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The EIPC is a network of Professionals of the Electronics Industry providing platforms to exchange business and technology information for the success of the European electronics industry. Watch the 3 minute video below! LEARN MORE ABOUT MEMBERSHIP. February 1 and 2 2018 Winter Conference.
The new standard in mortgage lending is here. Why so many systems? As a mortgage travels from origination to servicing and beyond, it accumulates a large amount of data. It also passes through several entities each with its own systems and processes that make this data difficult to share and analyze, let alone keep organized and compliant. A platform built for the future.
Undoubtedly one of the most influential women in the Beauty industry. Slaying the hearts of millions with her company Lime Crime Cosmetics, Doe Deere shares her secrets of success. Doe Deere is more than just a pretty face with pink hair. She founded Lime Crime in 2004 first as a fashion line on ebay then into a successful cosmetics line! She reveals in an Inspirery Interview.
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